Holy Week Remaining Services

As of Monday April 19, the Ontario Government announced the following measures, only 10 people may be inside the Church at any one time for all Services.  For all services, please remain in your vehicles until a Church volunteer directs you to enter the Church. You are not allowed inside to attend the service however when directed, you may come in briefly to pray, light your candle or take Holy Communion.

Holy Communion will be offered at the conclusion of all Divine Liturgies on Holy Week, following Agape Vesper Service (May 2nd) and at all the Bright Week Divine Liturgies. You will be directed by a volunteer

The Holy Light will be offered at the Saturday Resurrection Service. Please remain in your vehicles. A volunteer will bring the Holy Light to you. The Holy Light will also be available during Bright Week Divine Liturgies.

All services will be Live streamed at www.londongreekcommunity.com 
or https://www.facebook.com/HolyTrinityLondon

Pascha (Easter) Program dates and times have not changed. Refer to the program mailed to you or our website.  Program of Holy Services – London Greek Commumity (londongreekcommunity.com)

God bless and Kali Anastasi! A Blessed Resurrection!