Past Community Council Presidents

Past Presidents Who Faithfully Served the Holy Trinity Community of London and  Vicinity


“His Lord said unto him, well done thou good and faithful servant”

YearPresident Name ------------------YearPresident Name ------------------YearPresident Name ------------------
1936Gus Mandas1976Anthony Demakos2006James W Giannoulis
1948Bill Agnos1977Anthony Demakos2007James W Giannoulis
1948Bill Agnos1978George Anas2008Anthony Demakos
1949Bill Agnos1979George Anas2009 Anthony Demakos
1950Steve Mitches1980Gary Kerhoulas2010James W Giannoulis
1951George Gettas1981Gary Kerhoulas2011James W Giannoulis
1952Tom Kapelos
George Kerhoulas
1982Gary Kerhoulas2012James W Giannoulis
1953George Kerhoulas
1983Gary Kerhoulas2013James W Giannoulis
1954George Kerhoulas1984Gary Kerhoulas2014James W Giannoulis
1955George Kerhoulas1985Gary Kerhoulas
1956George Kerhoulas1986George Bountis
1957George Kerhoulas1987George Bountis
1958Sam Anas1988George Michalopoulos
1959Sam Anas1989George Michalopoulos
1960Stratos Vafiadis1990George Bountis
1961Stratos Vafiadis1991George Bountis
1962Steve Giouroukos1992George Bountis
1963Steve Giouroukos1993George Bountis
1964Steve Giouroukos1994Dr. Nick Gettas
1965Steve Giouroukos1995Mary Singeris
1966Steve Giouroukos
Anthony Demakos
1996Anthony Demakos
1967Anthony Demakos1997Anthony Demakos
1968Anthony Demakos1998Anthony Demakos
1969Anthony Demakos1999Anthony Demakos
1970Steve Giouroukos2000Anthony Demakos
1971Steve Giouroukos2001Anthony Demakos
1972Anthony Demakos2002James W Giannoulis
1973Anthony Demakos2003James W Giannoulis
1974Anthony Demakos2004James W Giannoulis
1975Anthony Demakos2005James W Giannoulis