Pay Membership Dues Online

MEMBERSHIP Dues are $130.00 per person age 18 and up.
– For a family of 2 you need to donate $260.00
– For a family of 3 you would donate $390.00
– Remember all donations are tax deductible.
– You will receive a tax receipt from CanadaHelps by email.

INSTRUCTIONS on filling out form below:

  1. If viewing from your cell phone, change to Landscape mode, to see options better.
  2. Click on the amount that reflects how many membership dues you would like.
  3. In the FUND box, use the dropdown to select the year and number of memberships.
  4. In the Message box, enter the first & last name(s) of the members. ie. John Doe, Sophia Doe
  5. Complete the card payment information
  6. To submit, click on the “Complete Donation Now” . 
  7. You will receive an immediate tax receipt from CanadaHelps by email