Click on Donate Now button for Online Donation.
Please use “Become a Member“ page for payment of Memberships. CanadaHelps will issue you an official tax receipt on our behalf. Your financial support helps us continue the operation of our Church and programs. The average monthly operating cost for our Church is about $40,000 and your donation helps us meet those expenses. Your generosity is making our Church and Community stronger!
The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Community of London appreciates receiving donations from both members and friends of our Community.
- Your donation will support our parish and our community
- 100% of the donations will be used for the specified fund.
- All donations are tax-deductible according to Federal and Provincial income tax regulations
How Can I Make My Donation?
- Donations can be made by:
- Online using Donate Now via CanadaHelps
- Mail (cheque payable to the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Community of London).
- Calling the Church during week day office hours with your credit or debit card number
- At Church during week day office hours via cash, cheque, Credit or debit card.
- Income tax receipts will be issued upon receipt for one time donations
- For donations provided through installments, income tax receipts will be issued at the end of the year (by Jan 31 of the following year)
- Please contact our community office at [email protected]