Sunday School

St. Nektarios Sunday School sunday_school_logo_sm
Our goal is to provide a Christ-centered environment and standardized program of Orthodox instruction for your child. Our weekly lessons follows a curriculum of materials and resources from the Greek Orthodox Department of Religious Education. We take scripture, history, tradition and liturgical life and to combine them in such a way as to help your child understand our Orthodox Faith better and to help them come to know Jesus Christ and His Holy Church.

The student is taught that the Bible is a way of life, and that the Church helps to prepare them for their personal and social life as a member of Christ’s Church. The Bible, our Church and faith in Jesus Christ are not just lessons but they will help your child to find God’s path and to stay on it throughout their entire life. Although these are very serious and deep concepts, we break them down and present them to your child at their age level of understanding.

What you can do to help?

We would like to invite you to bring your child every Sunday.  Encourage your child to tell you about the lesson taught for that day and what they learned from it. Encourage your child to pray by attending all the Church services together as a family. Take Holy Communion as a family after proper preparation. Together, in these ways we can help Jesus Christ become the core and essence of your child’s life.

The Bible, our Orthodox Church and faith in Jesus Christ are wonderful blessings. It is our hope that God will grant these blessings to all our Sunday School children to help them learn Jesus Christ’s Word and the wonders of His love.

Sunday School Program:  Scheduled for 10:30 am on Sundays during the months of October – May

Monthly Lesson Calendar – is emailed every month to our community email list.  If you would like a copy please provide your email to the following email address:


Text Books used for Lessons: SK. Happy with God, 1. Reaching for Jesus,  2 Loving God,  3. Sharing God’s World,  4. Growing with God,  5 God Calls Us
Daily Bible Readings:
Orthodox Calendar and Readings: