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LGD Practice – Church Hall.

LGD Practice times the same unless notified of change.  Holy Trinity 3-4pm , Hellenic 4-6pm ,  Hellas  6-8pm in Lower Church Hall.

“Neaniki Syntrofia” Meeting

Church Hall

Neaniki Syntrofia is aimed towards people aged 18-35. Its primary objective is the strengthening of Greek-Orthodox consciousness of the Community's young adults.    Topic is on the significance of March 25th. Ελληνορθόδοξη Νεανική Συντροφιά - μια συνάντηση θέματος το Σάββατο 25η Μαρτίου

LGD Practice – Church Hall.

LGD Practice times the same unless notified of change.  Holy Trinity 3-4pm , Hellenic 4-6pm ,  Hellas  6-8pm in Lower Church Hall.

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